This morning NUMSS president, Dr. Shawn Pourgol received this message from naprapath/pharmacist Dr. Shante Griggs, president of American Naprapathic Association & National College of Naprapathic Medicine:
“You share an ambition and love that many of us have for Naprapathy. Especially myself coming from the profession of pharmacy. I plan to get Naprapathy education and DN licenses in all 50 states and internationally as well through the American Naprapathic Association and the National College of Naprapathic Medicine which are the original / oldest establishments of Naprapathy. We are looking forward to locking arms with you “
With help of the American Naprapathic Association, Dr Shante Griggs, & the Canadian Naprapathic Association, it is surely possible to expand the profession across Canada and get it regulated in Ontario, get naprapaths to use the title of “Dr” and expand its scope of practice.